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Abstract thinking course

Learn to create, adopt and apply generalised, big picture knowledge

The lack of good abstract thinking skill can hinder your career progress. This abstract thinking development course focuses on mastering mindsets, models, concepts and how to apply them for your business, work and daily life.

In any field of interest or career, moving up requires you to move away from dealing only with the specifics, details or data, procedures and techniques. You have to be able to handle larger units (information, people, departments) and in a more abstract level. On the top of an organisation they deal with strategies, company culture, hiring and firing guidelines, training principles etc..

Lifetime learning has become a must and learning mostly means to absorb new, generalized information quickly, master symbols, see connections, recognise patterns and apply them in your work and life. And most people have problem with learning, including comprehension and abstraction skills.

This course requires good English and is available on one-to-one basis or for small groups.

Video description: Improving abstract thinking skills above a certain level is difficult and painful for some people.It requires not just generalised thinking but also learning about the specific, real life details because experiencing, experimenting, observing are part of our abstract thinking development. Then you need to learn the jargon, the specific terms of your chosen field together with the symbols that domain uses. After mastering the basic domain-specific language and symbols, you need to learn the theories, principles, laws, processes and procedures of that field. So you both need empirical knowledge of reality and high level conceptual understanding. The system that you operate in can accelerate or hinder your learning progress. Money, leadership, incentives, access to data, information, knowledge, equipment are also contributing factors. And then the larger environment like culture, laws, infrastructure etc also elements of the system in which your abstract thinking developments and professional advance occur.

Abstract thinking mindsets, techniques

We are going to learn about pattern recognition, modularisation, the abstraction and modelling process, contextualisation, inductive and deductive thinking, categorisation, falsification, association, intuition, idea generation, spotting hidden conditions and assumptions and lots of other things.

Some tools are domain specific. For example statistics, scenario analysis, quantitative analysis, imagination, visualisation and so on.